Saturday, February 21, 2015

Top Ten Remedies for Insecurity

I have come to realize the first year after Micah died was moving toward acceptance of his death, assuming my new role as head of this family, and rediscovering my identity. After being a caregiver for him for so long, I forgot about what I liked to do, what I like to eat, and what it was like to make decisions without having someone else to consult. This year taught me that I had only partly come to acceptance. I didn’t realize that to complete my healing I needed to accept being single and a single parent. I only thought I had rediscovered my identity! In order for my healing to be complete I needed to regain my security. The only way to be truly secure is to know your true identity; a child of God! Once you know you are His you quit giving this world and other people power to take your security. You know that God is God and He is all powerful that He is more powerful than your circumstances and he can orchestrate events to work things for good beyond your wildest dreams. He is the Blessed Controller!




  1. Don’t give your power away: Have to stop handing people the kind of power only God should have over us.
  2. Believe everything God says about us is true.
  3. Putt off self- condemnation/perfectionism:  Let your eyes open to the glorious reflection we have in His glorious reflection. Then we will see the treasure we are. (Psalm 90:17 And the beauty of the Lord will be upon us; Loveliness of the Lord rests on us MSG)
  4. Believe God will always love you and take care of you: The root of insecurity is that no one will take care of you which produces primal fear (Isaiah 46:4 Even in your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am who will sustain you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and rescue you.)
  5. Put on Rejection Protection: Guard your heart: don’t give your heart away easily and too soon. (Proverbs 4:23-Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it NIV; Keep a vigilant watch over your heart that’s where life starts MSG)
  6. Let God Heal Your Broken Heart: Isaiah 61:1 He sent me to ….heal the broken hearted
  7. Let God tell you your worth: Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth! You are worth wanting, loving, liking, pursuing, fighting for and keeping. (Isaiah 41:9-10 I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. )
  8. Proclaim the goodness of God: Unwelcome change can be a breeding ground for insecurity because it invites you to become addicted to dread. You live life expecting something bad to happen. A miserable trap of self-inflicted insecurity.
    (Psalm 119: 68 God is good and does good. God is righteous and kind; Exodus 34:6 The Lord is merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth)
  9. Regain confidence by knowing your God given identity: Be rooted strongly in your God-given identity and the conviction that nothing can take that away. We end up being fixated and looking in rather than looking up to look in. By looking up to the Father our dignity is rooted in how God views us. (You are my chosen servant, I have chosen you and have not rejected you Isaiah 41: 9)
  10. Believe and claim you wear a crown and are clothed with strength and dignity (Proverbs 31:25 and Psalm 8:3 crowned with glory and honor)
    All in security is a cover up for unbelief; unbelief in ourselves; unbelief of God; of his love or that he will take care of us.

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