The past few days weight has been heavy on chest and I have felt tears close to welling in eyes. Short on temper and words a bit terse. I realize a steady steam of stressors on this single mom, widowhood-walk have left this servant feeling empty and love tank bare. A fresh refilling, full measure of spirit- love, encouragement, and hope needed to rain down and replenish my soul. Ever been there? Ever held up hands and declared, "Yes Lord, an emotional resuscitation is in order!"
I exit the car and mount the terra-cotta brick steps at the accounting firm. As I approach the desk, the assistant exclaims, "Oh! I have your return right down here!" Honestly, I was surprised she knew my name and told her she was good at remembering. "Well, I have been here for quite a long time!"
What didn't register for me was just how long I had been a client! Seven years. Seven springs ago, they began helping me wade through all the financial questions I didn't know how to resolve in the business of death and settling an estate. This was in fact the 8th tax return they had filed for me.
As I give a couple of pages my John Hancock, I hear her musical voice comment, "I love your ring!" I glance down to focus on what ring she is referencing.
"Oh.....thanks! It has special meaning. The first book I read after my husband died was Roses In December and my blog is A New Bed of Roses."
As I walked back to the car I was reminded, a compliment so small

mundane rather than the hope and "65 roses" (cystic fibrosis ) reminders they are meant to serve. Her compliment was God reminding me of His promises to bring beauty out of ashes and that sometimes earthly miracles still happen among us. She unknowingly gave me a rose of hope!
On this side of Easter, thankful for his resurrection and for laying eyes on his earthly "65 roses", life with new lungs miracle in the flesh! Grateful a compliment reminded me to put on love, keep looking at others with eyes of grace, and find the gold within ; to build others up, to give them a rose of hope in the midst of life's chaos. You never know when a seemingly small word may speak volumes to renew another heart!

...let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance, and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance (of eternal salvation). Such hope (in God's promises) never disappoints us, because God's love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5:3-5 AMP