The screams of Christmas lists, family tensions strung high , custody schedules, and complaints echo through my ears . I feel like I'm standing still watching all the squabbling of the season happen before me through a frosted window pane. And I want more than anything to beckon them to come and see how I see; to offer them a piece of my peace .
In my world, the perspective on the other side of the looking glass, cozy Advent atmosphere : White lights tinkle, an advent wreath, a Jesse tree.... my haven is awaiting , waiting with anticipation . Waiting for a babe. Because a babe, fully God, fully man, a Savior coming, our vocabulary changes from all the "have tos" to we "GET to" ! From seeing lack to seeing all we have!
Make no mistake , life under this roof is not all a bed of roses. The realization , the pains of Advent put all first world problems into crystal perspective . And if one allows , grief can transform panes from pains. The lens of gratitude lights the path to counting life as joy and peace .The lens makes all things new.

I can't help but know there are people out there praying for what most take for granted . A roof over head, four wheels to drive, pantry of food, accessible medical treatment, faucet flowing drinkable water, eyes that read, ears to drink in sounds of the season, diplomas on wall....all make me wealthier than 75% of the world's population.
Through the glass I see all I have only because of the one who gave it all. The one who took holes in hands knows all the holes in your heart . Discovering your holes leads you to the only one who can make you whole . Love came down to bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free.
Breathe. Breathe in hope. Breathe in peace. Breathe in joy. Breathe in love...
for the Christ child is coming !